
  • Released a new video on how I organize my design files and design systems both at work and for personal projects this past week. You can watch the video here →
  • My team at Mothership is actively looking for a full-time iOS Native developer, if you know anyone please let me know!
  • Editing Coffee and Beats 002 (watch part 1 here if you haven't!) to release later this week
  • Now that my camera is back from getting the lens repaired and I got my memory card back, I can start editing parts 2, 3, and 4 of how I create design systems (watch part 1 here if you haven't!)
  • Because a lot of supplies for my new setup got here this past week, I was able to record a few more clips for my setup makeover video that I am working on and hoping to release next month

Home Decor

  • SO many updates to my office this week, the legs I was waiting on got here so built my new desk and put it into place
  • My KRK monitors (speakers) for music production got here and I got them all setup on my new desk, I've already started making music with them and wow what a difference they make!
  • I setup my new dual setup (work setup and game/stream setup) this past weekend. I'm not 100% happy with it yet (knowing me I never will be lol) but it's coming along nicely. Just waiting on a couple small things and then will be filming the final part of my setup makeover video for my YouTube. I'm planning on making update videos every few weeks as it grows and develops as well.


  • Submitted my new EP album to streaming services, it is named Mindfulness and has 5 tracks. The release date is May 7th, 2021 and you can pre-save it here now if you want to be notified on release.
  • Finished 2 new tracks for other albums that I'm working on, so much new music from me coming this year!



  • Got a Pokémon card grail of mine this past week—a Sabrina's Yamabuki Theme Deck from 1999! The reason I wanted this is because I personally collect Gengar cards and merchandise and the only way to get a specific Gengar card is by buying this deck. I've been eyeing it for a while and finally found a decent price for it (50% less than other listings!).
  • Only worked out 2 times this week as my back is still recovering from a pinched nerve
  • Went to the eye doctor for the first time in 2-3 years for daily headaches that I've been having for a long time, turns out my prescription for my glasses was a tad too strong ?
  • Update on the MRI for the mass in my shoulder—everything is clear! Apparently it's just a muscle build up from stress and bad posture which sounds about right haha.
  • Got my first dose of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine this past Sunday, set to get the second dose in 3 weeks!